On the trail of the elves of Iceland
“The elves are everywhere. Some are just 7cm tall: the flower elves can be 8, 9 or 10cm.And then there are the dwarves. A few dwarves and a few gnomes. And lots of trolls, they’re of course a lot bigger…”
As inconceivable as it might sound, if Iceland counts a human population of just 330,000, it may also be home to almost a million elves, trolls and gnomes. For a rational person, it’s like believing in Santa Clause. Nevertheless, we decided to go and meet the Icelanders and, through them, the Elves themselves. Even more surprising is the claim by the serious professor Magnus Skarphéðinsson that more than 50% of Icelanders aren’t just convinced that elves exist; but they play a role in their daily lives!