The People under the sea
Nobody had thought of it but he had the idea. Nobody would have dared to do it, but he did it. Jason de Caires Taylor is a young English artist. An artist who has spent a long time as a diving instructor. He has two loves: the beauty of underwater landscapes and creative sculpture. Why not combine the two, and put statues on the seabed? And why not create a huge underwater museum that you can visit in diving-suit or admire from the surface with a mask? That’s what Jason Taylor has done, first by himself on a small scale on Grenada Island, and then by directing a mammoth project in Cancun, on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. And as you might well imagine, concrete statues rapidly undergo some big changes underwater: they become covered with curious and fascinating plants, their expressions change, so that their faces are no longer recognizable. Fish come to play and crustaceans take refuge in this maze of artificial reefs. But having fish wandering around the museum is fine. One of the goals of the operation is to save the underwater environment in Cancun, Mexico. This film invites you to follow this first ever project of its kind from the first stages to the final apotheosis.
Prix obtenus
“Palme d’argent” au Festival Mondial de l’Image sous-marine de Marseille 2012
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