The Incredible Tale of François Zanella's Ocean Liner
Ever since the day in his childhood when François Zanella watched the launching of the mythical ocean liner “la France” on TV, he dreamed of only one thing: building boats. But François lives in Lorraine, far from the sea, and works as a miner. Thus begins our epic. This film, which includes the personal archives of the Zanella family, begins in the first days of the project and provides an intimate view that spans twelve years. The plans are unrolled on the table, the boathouse is built, Zanella and his son weld the prow of the ship. The infants grow up, the coal mines hum with activity, and the boat takes form ever so slowly. The mine closes, the family faces a difficult period, Zanella retires. But local businesses and a band of loyal friends get involved. Finally, one beautiful day in June 2005, the Majesty of the Seas is launched.
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